Sunday 14 October 2012

I think I might move to San Francisco...

...and work in a museum. This is the conclusion I always draw when I'm tired and stressed and the weather is terrible.  Despite my immediate reservations about living in the US, I do love San Francisco. So it's definitely not a bad plan. Hence the header being some particularly attractive trams.

Just some things I'm really enjoying this week:

  • The Office - If you follow me on Twitter you'll have seen me declare my love for Ryan from the US version of The Office. He is by far the best character, which is weird, considering he has almost every character flaw a person could have. Maybe that's why I like him so much.

I'd be lying if I said it was as bad as I thought it would be,and I intend to continue watching it, so it would be fairer to say it's actually pretty good. Although for me it will never beat the UK original, and I consistently compare them when I watch the US version. This probably isn't helped by the fact that I really don't like Steve Carell, in anything (Despicable Me excluded), so I feel like I just tolerate his character much more than I ever had to with Ricky Gervais. I get that you're not really meant to like him, but it's at the point where I'm looking forward to the series after he leaves the show.

  • Crash Course World History  - I know this probably doesn't sound that exciting, but these videos are SO good I cannot express, and they cover pretty much every period/event in history you could imagine in 10 minutes (well there are only 40 of them, but still, they cover a lot). I guess they're not much good if you're not interested in history but if you are, even remotely, they're a really good way to get a good overview of world history, especially the history of the Middle East and East Asia which was probably barely (if at all) covered in history at school. The Mongols get a pretty good review too, so I guess if you like Mongols, this is probably for you.

  • The Rolling Stones (all over again) - I feel like I'm hearing Let It Bleed for the first time all over again, and I'm loving every second of it.  I've been combining this with another period of listening to John Legend all the time (if you haven't heard Number One with Kanye West, well, you should). So it's been a pretty mixed week music-wise.

  • The dress code - I could basically go out in what I'd worn all day, work or not, and have no fear of  feeling under-dressed, it puts an end to searching through my wardrobe hours before I leave the house, and the constant texts of 'what are you wearing'. It means I can dress for the weather, so walking from bar to bar, or bar to home in mid-October, doesn't have to be the most horrendous experience of my life. It does present its own set of problems however, namely that in an especially full bar/club, I am, within about 20 minutes, horrendously warm and pining for the times I wore significantly less, even with all the obvious downsides of the latter scenario.

  • The music in Carrefour - From Ra Ra Rasputin and Copacabana to Y.M.C.A. and  Let Me Entertain You, Carrefour is bringing a little excitement to the mundane task of the weekly shop every time. 

This weekend started with another night out which ended at around 5am Saturday morning, continued with a lovely lunch with Rosa (Sucre d'Orge), probably the best calzone I've ever had for dinner (La Brace), a ticket to see Stealing Sheep in November and plenty of rain in between. It ended with the very welcome return to my life of central heating, this blog post and no longer being able to put off going to the laundrette.

Au revoir!
