Wednesday 24 June 2015

Lessons You at 13 Could Teach You at 23.

I don't think 13 year-old Claire gets enough love. I think I try to bury my teenage years as one big period of shame and trying to be popular when I just wasn't going to be. I remember a pathetic version of myself, desperate to be liked and drawing attention to myself in horribly embarrassing ways. But the more I think about it, the more I think I'm not giving myself enough credit. I might not have been very successful in my quest to be 'cool', but that was mostly because I adamantly refused to be any less of myself. I didn't want to look like anyone else or be like anyone else. I wanted my voice to be heard just the way it was. And I seem to remember myself as a little more carefree, more time in front of me and at a stage in life where as long as you were still in school, you were doing okay. 
So here's what the awkward, weird, teenager in all of us could teach us now we're adults. 

Your hair is your hair, is your hair
And there's nothing we can do about that babe. It's never going to to look perfectly done and if it did it would take all your time and money. Just try and find some hair ties that don't give you tension headache, and don't brush it when you let it dry naturally. 

How pretty you are is not the point
Girl, listen. You look the same every damn day. Only you notice your 'bad' days. No one gives a sweet shit what you look like so you get ready for you and let everyone keep loving you just the way you are.

Some people will always be awful
I know you thought you wouldn't be dealing with this shit now you're an adult but people still have nothing better to do with their time. Remember when you knew that being bullied just showed how insecure the other person was? Never ever forget it; bullies still exist and it still isn't anything to do with you. 

Your friends are your achievements, not your love life

These people are some of the best you'll ever know and they've chosen to be in contact with you for the rest of your life, so what you doing letting some boy who barely knows your name tell you how much you're worth? More than that, why are you boiling down all your achievements to whether you have a partner or not? 

What you eat is no one's business
Don't you remember the time before it was a personal character achievement that you are salad? Just eat whatever the hell you like and remember life will be better if every meal tastes great and fills you up, rather than looking great and tasting of nothing. 

Not every day has to be great
Also remember the time before motivational quotes. Basically, do you remember the time before social media. Not every day has to be awe-inspiring or come with a sunset background with some writing over it. Your days will largely feel unproductive and frustrating but they'll have nice moments and that's the best we can hope for.

The people with the most active social lives aren't always the happiest
At this age you had to spend so much time with people you didn't even like. So much. Literally more time with people you didn't like than people you did. You're a proper adult and you don't have to do that anymore, so don't. If that means more nights to yourself then that's fine. 


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