Wednesday 5 December 2012

Being an intern means...


Writing your number on scraps of paper whilst everyone else exchanges business cards.

Hanging around the buffet, because you know you're not gonna eat this well until the next event.

Being served drinks at those events by someone who's at least 3 years older than you, and knowing there's a good chance you'll be standing exactly where they are when your internship finishes.

Having a tiny, personal celebration every time you make a new friend. Don't lie to yourself, we're all doing it.

Still assuming that if someone lives in/went to university at the same place as someone you know, they will know them. Even if however-many years of university has taught you that this is almost never the case.

Finally having a legitimate reason to be tired all the time.

Learning to use the photocopier, and in my case, taking about 20 minutes to find where the copies come out...all 10 of them because you were convinced it just wasn't printing at all. It would be easy here to jump to the conclusion that I'm an idiot, but it's mostly just an absolute refusal to ask for help. It's the same reason I get lost so much, and that I avoided using the phones at work for a whole year after I accidentally ignored the person who tried to show me the first time.

Like I said, it would be easy to jump to the conclusion that I'm an idiot.

I'm going home in 7 DAYS, and it never feels like Christmas unless I'm home, so right now it's just like it's cold and there's Christmas stuff everywhere but it may as well be like, October as far as I'm concerned. But it did snow on Sunday morning, so to anyone from home who I told that it was 'so much milder here', I'm sorry, that was a lie.

Oh and this happened:


What so just because I work 9-5 I'm not allowed to fan girl anymore? Please. I was super excited. And if you don't know who this guy is, he's 1/2 of these guys, and they're really funny.


I'm sorry this is short and pretty uninformative and it's taken me like 10 days to write. I just seem to have been crazy busy and have about a hundred things to do in the next two days before Sally gets here (hopefully should have stopped freaking out by the time you get here, I'm ridiculously excited to see you, by the way), and my brain can't really focus on anything else. The next one will be better I swear!

So much love
