Wednesday 12 December 2012

Someone hates me.

They must do. Why else would the heating in the office have stopped working? I know it's winter and it's cold and that's what happens but seriously I didn't take my coat off the entire day and  at one point I stood with my hands on the kettle just to warm myself up.

I can't tell whether that's better or worse than the fact that half of the bathroom is now in the dark, and it is of course the half with the shower in, because nothing is more exciting than shaving my legs in a tiny glass box with no light source. Living life on the edge as always.

But it's all fine because I'm going home for Christmas tomorrow, and spending most of the weekend visiting the German Market in Leeds which will hopefully be more impressive than any of the ones in Brussels. Although one did have a Ferris wheel which was pretty exciting and helped confirm something I already suspected - I have not entirely overcome my fear of heights.

What makes tomorrow even better is that because I'm getting the Eurostar it will in total take me merely 4 and half hours to get home, which is pretty much how long it used to take me to get back from Bath anyway. So in comparison to the 16 hour coach journeys I've done before, this is amazing. Although looking at the prices for January, I  will absolutely not be able to afford to do this on the way back, so looks like I'm back to sleeping in the bar on the ferry and rolling in at 6am again.

Also, Apple, I appreciate you have to update stuff and whatever and I really don't care how you choose to lay out iTunes but at least do it in a way which makes it possible for me to access the scroll bar at the side and/or reach the edges of the window so I can make it smaller so I don't have to choose between being able to use the scroll bar and the taskbar. Thanks.

If you're at work for another week like most normal people then have a good last week at work, if you're doing exams/writing essays then good luck, and if you're travelling home then have a safe trip :)


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