Thursday 7 February 2013

All the doors in my life

are really hard to open. I mean, they're like horror film hard to open. If someone were to chase me into either my office or house, they'd just kill me as soon as I reached the door. People have actually stopped to help me open my office door before (it's just heavy and I'm tiny), and the keyhole on the door to my house's just difficult to get the key in there and I'm not totally sure why. Even the lock on my room seems to require a very weird combination of terms. Basically what I'm saying is that I live in a very boring version of the Crystal Maze.

Moving house has come with so many exciting new experiences, like working out that the taps for the shower are on the wrong way round (it took 15 minutes and a great deal of swearing, but I got there), I don't know how this happened, I don't want to know how this happened, I don't know who installed the shower and I don't want to find out who installed the shower. I think it's for the best that we just forget what happened and move on.

Being too scared to open what I think is a door to the attic on my ceiling. Because when your house looks this much like the house at the end of the Blair Witch Project, you don't just go opening doors willy nilly.

Having a fully-fitted but completely non-operational shower in the corner of the room is a new one too, although it has made for the perfect place to keep my suitcase, so that's something.

Oh and the shelf above the sink is only fixed to the wall in the middle, so it falls to one side if you put something down on it too hard.

But I really like my new place, like really I do. Once I have a kettle I'm sure I'll like it even more.

Other exciting things are happening, mainly Francine is coming to visit me tomorrow, I'm going home in 2 weeks time and various other plans which should make February a very very good month.

I also went to Aldi. It was cheap, but you pay for the low prices in confusion at the lack of order and being served by people who scan things like their lives depend on it. Maybe they do. Maybe every month the person who scans the fewest number of items in an hour is shot. That would certainly cut costs.

Have a good weekend everybody.


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