Thursday 18 April 2013

Things I haven't done on my placement year


There's still time.

  • Spill water during a meeting.
  • Drop food on myself/someone else/the floor (there's one tiny exception to this, but we don't need to go into that now).
  • Trip over something.
  • Trip over nothing. 
  • Accidentally hit someone/stand on their foot.
  • Accidentally hit myself/stand on my own feet.
  • Cause a fire. 
  • Cause a flood. 
  • Forget my own name when I'm introducing myself.
  • Listen to and remember anyone's name when they introduce themselves.
  • Not use my entire body weight to open the office door. 
  • Not look like an idiot whilst opening the office door.
  • Break something.
  • Describe where I'm from as anything but 'near Manchester'.
  • Correct any of the people who assumed I was Scottish. 
  • Lose my accent - not even a little bit. 
  • Make any real or substantial life choices - "I'm sure my placement year will help me decide"...who were you kidding. 
  • Do any reading for my dissertation - as above. 
  • Improve my French - and again. 
  • Go running more - so many broken promises. 
  • Release an alien species into the streets of Brussels and subsequently ruin the entire ecosystem of Belgium and its neighbours - see, so it's not going so badly.
  • Use Windows XP and do anything but swear/sigh/shout at it. 
  • Find a hand gesture that really captures exactly how angry I am at drivers in Brussels. 
  • Fully grasp the cheek kissing etiquette in any given situation - I haven't yet been reduced to yelling 'WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME' in someone's face; but with every awkward greeting, I get a little bit closer.

I should point out that this really only applies to when I'm at work, because out of work I spend most of my time covered in any food or drink that's to hand and falling over what is essentially flat ground.  

I still don't spend it making life choices though. 

April has been a really bad month for this. 

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