Thursday 30 January 2014


This has been a draft since 20/12/2013, along with another article entitled 'The Best and Worst things about Christmas'...maybe next year. 

It would  be fair to say then, that for the past month university well and truly got the better of me, my deadlines crept up on me and before I knew it I was in the library for 16 hours a day, everyday. I did anticipate it a bit though, so I didn't make any New Year's resolutions, because unless they were something along the lines of 'write 7000 words in 10 days', I would have failed miserably to even attempt them for the first 2 weeks of this year.

But now I am back, properly back, and I think it's still early enough in the year to talk about what I want 2014 to be like, without making any actual resolutions which might require any planning or time invested in them.

First off I want to be more productive, I want to do this more, I want to get on top of my work rather than it being on top of me, and I want to do more of what I really, really enjoy. I'd also like to not get RSI in all of my fingers, so I should probably spend some of my time not writing.
I'll probably spend it reading, there isn't an awful lot that I enjoy which doesn't involve huge amounts of words.

I'd like start running more, and by 'more' I mean in the sense of being more than never, so actually I'd just like to start running, full stop.

I want to start cooking more, and for more people, because I hated it, and now I don't, so I should take advantage of that. I haven't killed anyone yet; so far so good.

Then I want to do all the things everyone wants to do, like keep in touch with my friends more, especially because they'll all be properly scattered all over the place come June. I want to travel more and plan exciting things for the summer and who knows, maybe graduate and get onto my MA.

I'd also like to do all this and stop worrying so much.
See this is why I don't make resolutions, because I commit to not worrying and before you know it I'm worrying about how much I worry. It's just a pointless statement. I know how much I can worry and stress before it becomes unhealthy and I have more important things to do than worry about if everyone (myself included) thinks I'm stressed. 

What I can commit to is being more grateful for everything and everyone I have. So let's do that instead.

I will make one proper resolution though, and that is to stop putting my make-up on before I brush my teeth.
It is endlessly inconvenient and I regret it every time it happens (every day). It is absolutely the most illogical part of my routine and I need to stop it, right now.


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