Wednesday 7 January 2015

Midsomer Bloggers

Or 'I live in the countryside and I can confirm it's exactly like living in an episode of Midsomer Murders'. 

I grew up in the countryside, and friends who didn't grow up in the country side often compare where I live to the fictional villages in Midsomer Murders.
The more I watch it the more I have to agree there are some striking similarities.

There's loads of fields and open spaces, and also woods, which will be important later.
Every disagreement is usually about land.
Other disagreements are usually about someone being a disruptive influence in the village, or someone marrying someone else.
Everything looks nice and peaceful but there's lots of secrets and lies and shouting behind closed doors.
There are lots of long standing feuds that no one can remember the origin of.
Everyone knows everyone else's business and any news spreads like wildfire.
Unless it's a darks secret in which case no one will know but they will shoot uneasy glances around the room if the issue is raised.
There are lots of events where large numbers of people are gathered together.
At these gatherings there are usually some implements which would be considered dangerous and could be used to hurt someone.
Someone always dies at these events.
After someone dies at these events, no one is really that bothered.
Someone else will later die, also in a public place.
People who don't know these people directly won't really be that bothered, again.
Local police officers are basically gossips and will discuss the case with all their friends and family.
There is only one local detective in the entire county.
Everyone is a suspect but ultimately it will be person with the most tenuous reason that will have committed the murder.
Murders are usually about land.
People are obsessed with land.
Land is always being bought and sold, or inherited.
Dead people always have some sort of inheritance.
Everyone has a will.
No one has ever shown their will to their family.
No one ever comments on how many people are murdered.
No one ever speaks of the people who were murdered or their families, or indeed the village the incident took place in, again.
Overall, there are lots of murders but we live in the countryside so everyone's so relaxed all the time they really don't get upset about it.


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