Sunday 8 March 2015

Songs to Start the Day

I'm determined to make March a better month. January was horrible, and for some reason February felt like it was only two weeks long but still an up hill struggle. March will be better, because I'll be more productive, and I'll get up earlier and I'll plan more nice things and send more nice-for-no-reason texts. It's my honest belief that the way you start the day makes a big difference to how good it is. On Saturday I didn't realise what day it was and hit snooze and then only had half an hour to get ready. I missed three buses, got to work on time but I had a thoroughly horrible day which didn't even get better when I got home. On Sunday I got up when my alarm went off, wrote a to-do list and did everything on it (including writing this post), I felt positive and in control and I knew Sunday was going to be a good day.
Something else I'm doing is listening to music as I go round the house getting ready and getting everything together to leave the house. Music has never been able to change my mood, but it definitely reflects it and it can even reinforce it if I'm committed enough to feeling good. I'm not going to promise that this list is guaranteed to make you 'feel-good' but if you're looking for some songs to feel relaxed and positive to, this is for you. 

Ben L'Oncle Soul - Elle Me Dit
Yes this is entirely in French, but if you can't translate all you need to know it's about having all you need even if things don't go to plan. 

Gabrielle - When a Woman 
Gabrielle - Dreams
Because the 1990's was the height of really nice pop songs about when you love people and they love you too.

Dolly Parton - Try
Otherwise known as the song from that ad where that girl bakes those biscuits. This is only if you're in a really good mood. An especially good bit is the breakdown at the end where Dolly goes on a rant about how you can do anything you want and she knows you can do it. I actually kind of believe her as well. Thanks Dolly. 

Racehl Yamagata - 1963
This is in contention for the top-spot of my favourite love song of all time. I don't know why she has 'itty bitty hearts' on her cheeks but it's so lovely I don't even care. There's a theme emerging here and it's that I really like songs about when people love people and they know they love them back. Proving that positive emotions make just as good song writing material as bad ones. 

Pharrell Williams - Gust of Wind
Pharrell Williams - Just a Cloud Away
What can I say, the man does pure joy pop songs like no one else. 

The Beach Boys - God Only Knows
This wins the category for my favourite love song, and probably my favourite song of all time. The last minute is the most wonderful relaxing minute of any song ever. Fact. 

The Isley Brothers - This Old Heart of Mine (Is Weak For You)
Back when songs were called a whole line of the lyrics so you didn't have to spend years of your life trying to find a song with some obscure title not even related to the subject of said song. Endless heartbreak never sounded so good or so damn cheery. 

Taylor Swift - Shake It Off
Okay I don't need to explain this.

Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere 
This is the song I dance to whilst I'm doing my make up. This song is why my eye liner is never even.

Beverly Knight - Keep This Fire Burning
I can't even remember how I discovered this song that I'd definitely never heard until late last year. Regardless of that this song makes me feel like I'm backing myself to do well and keep going even when I really don't feel like it. 

Here's to more good mornings. 

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