Sunday 10 May 2015

Good Vibes Sunday #18

This was my Saturday off, and also the day I found out I got a new job. 

Apart from that this week was plagued with bad news and stress and even though this is meant to be a weekly space for positivity, I think it's important to acknowledge that weeks don't always work out like that. Overall, I've felt pretty settled and peaceful this week but a lot of my friends haven't, I hope they know how much I love them. 

Then the election happened. The election happened and the result wasn't what I was hoping for, not even a bit. It's important we can find good in it though, because failure is as much a lesson for social movements as it is for individuals. And failure should keep us moving forward and trying new things and keep the fight in us. So here's to doing that, even on the most difficult weeks. 


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