Monday 3 November 2014

On Hilarious Women, And Being Surrounded By Them

Until about three months ago, when people used to say that women weren't funny I would feel first angry, then disappointed, then an incredible desire to make a list of women I knew for a fact were funny. Now, if presented with a similar problem, I would just feel sorry for them.
I'd feel sorry for them because that means that when they went through the hardest times in their life, they weren't surrounded by hilarious female comrades to remind them that they could do (and handle) anything they damn well wanted. 

So this post is dedicated to those women, to the friend who helped me use theatre analogies to assess my now 'one-woman show' of a life after my relationship came apart. To the friend who asked me actual questions and allowed me to make actual (all be it pretty bleak) jokes about an illness in the family. And to all the women in my life who told me stories and laughed at mine just minutes after I'd told them something life-changing and often horrible.

Women who didn't only make me laugh but also made me feel strong. Women who inspired me to keep going as they did when they went through a hard time; with a smile on their face and always committed to making other people laugh. Women who never once tried to change my mind once I'd made a decision, women who always supported me, never spoke badly of me and believed in my worth even when I felt like I was trying to walk against a brick wall.

Women who can make me laugh out-loud in public with one perfectly worded text. Women who's timing is impeccable and phrasing is perfect. Women who will listen to me rant about anything and everything; from EU membership, Shakespeare in the national curriculum and that stupid guy that makes me want to hit something. Women who will rant in return and be a million times more hilarious than I was whilst they do it.

So women are funny, They are hilarious. They're hilarious every day and they're hilarious especially when absolutely nothing else could even raise a smile from me. Which if anything is the real test, because if you can be funny when no one wants to laugh that's pretty damn good. So if you're going to tell me that women can't be funny, then that's sad for you, I hope you find one soon and apologise to them for being such an arsehole in a past life.


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