Tuesday 29 July 2014

Weekly Digest

This week I decided I was sick of the heat, and that I'm really ready for autumn. Nearly everything in my wardrobe has long sleeves, is too thick for summer, or is a jumper. All of these things have been neglected and I find myself longing for the opportunity to layer, throw on a scarf or a jumper and spend the day regretting not bringing a coat. This has meant however that my outfits have been a little uninspired this week but hopefully this will improve when the weather gets a little cooler and I can involve more of my wardrobe on a more regular basis. 

This week has been the week of new hair products. I'll include more details in a July favourites post I'm planning for later this week but basically, I've been feeling a bit let down by my current hair care and I was looking to trying something new. My new regime now includes the Garnier Ultimate Blends Dry Shampoo and Hydrating macadamia oil. So far I've been very impressed with both, especially the dry shampoo which is perfect for days when my ends are doing that great second-day-hair thing and my roots are looking like they could do with a bit of a wash. 


These gorgeous flowers are currently gracing my kitchen and making my empty house a little bit brighter. 

I've also found a new love for graphic novels. I usually try to get most books on my Kindle to save shelf space, especially given the huge clear-out I've just undertaken, but these are the sorts of books you just have to own in their original format. I've just finished Persepolis and a review of that should be on the Student Noodles site in the next few weeks. I've also got a book wish-list post coming here soon which will include many more graphic novels. I've definitely found my latest book love.


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