Monday 11 August 2014

Weekly Digest

There isn't a lot to report in this week's digest, mainly I've just been at the museum and starting out at my new job. The rest of the time I've spent looking for other volunteering opportunities, doing really badly in pub quizzes and writing.
My latest post on Student Noodles on how I reclaimed my childhood bedroom from clutter is here.

I've also been writing angry letters to bus companies because if there's only a bus from where I live once an hour and it doesn't turn up and my taxi fare is £12 to get to work I feel like I have a right to be angry about it. Needless to say they are refunding me so my advice would be, if you struggle with a constantly bad service, don't be scared to contact said company about it. I believe in giving the people who work in the service sector all the respect in the world, I don't believe in paying for something that doesn't work properly.

My lovely parents also bought me back a lovely Clinique skincare set from their travels abroad, so I'll be trying that out soon to let you know how it compares to my normal skincare routine.

I also got a very, very exciting notification on Friday that I'd been nominated for the Liebster Award by Amy who blogs here.
  There are some rules that go along with being nominated for the award so here goes:

1. Link back to the person(s) that nominated you for the award.
2. Write 11 facts about yourself so people can learn more about you.
3. Answer the 11 questions given by the person(s) who nominated you.
4. After completing this, nominate 11 other bloggers that have under 200 followers and then give them 11 questions of your choice.
5. Let your nominees know that they've been nominated and give them access to the link so they can find out more about the award.

11 facts
  1. I'm female (I said there would be facts, I didn't say they would be interesting).
  2. I'm 22.
  3. In September I'll be starting an MA in Modern History at the University of Leeds.
  4. Ever since I was in sixth form I wanted to be a university lecturer, this is still the plan somewhere along the way.
  5. But for now the plan is to work in a museum/historical research.
  6. I lived in Brussels for my third year of university doing a work placement.
  7. The other three years I spent in Bath studying for a BSc in Politics and International Relations.
  8. I've loved reading and writing since I was small, I really haven't changed that much in the last 22 years!
  9. I currently volunteer at a museum in Leeds making crafts with children. 
  10. I'm not very good at making crafts (examples available on other Weekly Digest posts. 
11 questions
  1. When did you start blogging and is this your first blog? I started in September 2012 to document my year abroad, and yes, it is! 
  2. What's your biggest fear? Spiders. Nothing should move like that.
  3. How would you describe yourself in three words? Ambitious, friendly and loyal. 
  4. Where do you see yourself in five years? This is such a difficult one. Let's see, I'll graduate in two, so maybe either still at university doing a PhD, or hopefully doing something I love. Having travelled and written plenty along the way of course! 
  5. What makes you smile? At the moment, lots of things; hearing from and catching up with friends I don't see very often, meeting new people, my (very rare) days off, and my boyfriend, of course.
  6. Who was your first best friend? I'm not sure if I ever had just one best friend when I was little, but my two oldest friends are Emma and Anastasia - I'm proud to be still in touch with both of them. 
  7. Your three favourite songs of all time? Midnight Train to Georgia - Gladys Knight, You Only Live Once - The Strokes, and 1963 - Rachael Yamagata. 
  8. What's your favourite perfume? I definitely haven't owned enough perfumes to have a favourite, but of the ones I've got on my dressing table, Flowerbomb by Viktor & Rolf is my current fave.
  9. What's your pet peeve? People who don't reply to texts. Everyone knows this one. It makes me absolutely furious. 
  10. Have you ever been to a concert? Yes, so many! My first being an S Club 7 one and my latest being Glastonbury if that counts as one weekend-long concert.
  11. What countries have you been to and which is your favourite? Malaysia, China, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, USA, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands and, of course, the UK. My favourite is easily Germany, especially Berlin.
My questions
  1. Why did you decide to start your blog?
  2. What is your dream job? 
  3. What was the last film you saw and what did you think of it? 
  4. What is your favourite song at the moment? 
  5. What was the last country you visited?
  6. Which country do you want to visit next? 
  7. Besides blogging, how else do you spend your time? 
  8. What do you enjoy most about running your own blog? 
  9. If you could speak any language, which one would you choose?
  10. When are you at your happiest?
  11. What do you want to have achieved by this time next year?

Another massive thank you to Amy for my nomination and goodbye from this Weekly Digest!

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