Sunday 31 August 2014

August Digest

August was a really exciting month for me, and now it's over I finally feel like I'm about to go back to uni again - especially after spending over an hour trying to navigate a new registration system and paying my tuition fees. Yes, that is my bank account you can hear crying.
Luckily for me, August is also the month I started my new job and this week saw the end of my volunteering placement, meaning I can start looking for something else to fill my time with and finally have a bit more of a structured routine. 
Unfortunately for this month's round up I've been so busy that I've barely taken any photos or even done anything particularly exciting but having a job has made me value my 'down time' a lot more than I did when I first started uni. So, instead of doing the usual categories for the month I'm going to do some recommendations and a few disappointments of things I've bought/seen/read this month! 

If you read my last post you'll know that I'm currently reading Vive la Revolution by Mark Steel; this is the second time I've read it and I couldn't recommend it highly enough for anyone who's interesting in the French Revolution but doesn't want a thousand pages of dates and the name of every man and woman who was a little bit annoyed in 1789. 

This week was also the week all of my make up collectively ran out, which was painful for my bank balance but quite a welcome opportunity to change (see next section). I was looking for a new foundation but then I saw the Rimmel Match Perfect foundation was on sale, along with the primer, so I decided I'd go back to my old favourite - although I have a sneaking suspicion I've picked up a different shade this time around. I also picked up the Collection Pressed Powder in Transparent to dust over the top and for £1.99 I couldn't be happier with the result.

This isn't really a recommendation but I am also loving that it's getting a little bit colder - layering has returned to my wardrobe of many many jumpers and it's made me very happy indeed.

Considering I was so excited to try it out, the Maybelline Dream BB Cream has really let me down. Not only is Light way too pale for me, even though Medium was far too dark, but also the coverage was really bad. I know, I know it's a BB Cream but it just didn't do anything for my skin at all. I got a tiny sample of the Rimmel BB Matte Cream in a goody bag from last week so I'll try that out as soon as possible and get back to you. 

Another very sad disappointment  this month was Doctor Who...sorry Peter. I wanted to love it, I really really wanted to, but after seeing this week's episode along with last week's, I'm just not feeling it. It might be because I don't like Jenna Coleman as the assistant, it might be because the story lines aren't very exciting, it might be because it feels a bit repetitive, it might just be because I'm incredibly picky when it comes to TV. Whatever it is, I'm not enjoying it.

That's my round up of this month! Next month's should be much more interesting as I've got lots of stuff going on in September, including a little trip away and starting uni again! 
Lots of love! 

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