Thursday 13 June 2013


Hi I'm Claire and I shouldn't be allowed to have nice things because I ruin them.
Just another line that isn't nearly as deep as it sounds.
I just ruined one of the only nice pair of tights I owned today. But luckily we have glue in the office so I think I might be okay until I can be bothered to wash my clothes, at which point everything will fall apart.

Yesterday was a bit of a fail all round really because I was massively unproductive and then we went out for drinks in this really nice area with a really cool market and I just didn't take a photo of it. So this is just the view out of my window at about 9.30pm last night.
But I had fun, and stole a hell of a lot of free samples from the market (fruit is expensive here okay). I also had a really good Skype with Francine in which we could see each other the entire time and never had to say the words 'can you hear me' and I'm not sure that's ever happened in the entire time I've been alive.

On a completely unrelated note I wish people would stop telling women that if you wear a short skirt or a low cut top then people are going to think certain things about you so you should wear less revealing clothes to make sure everyone knows you have 'self-respect'. Maybe instead we should say that you can wear whatever the hell you want and if someone judges your entire personality based on how much skin you're showing then that person should probably have a bit of a think about whether society is something they can really be part of.
Okay I'm done.

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