Tuesday 18 June 2013


This is the first time I've been prevented from watching something and not felt personally victimised. 
I think I might have writer's block. Actually, no I don't, I just think I haven't done anything of note for the past two days and as a result I'm finding it difficult to come up with anything to write about.
In fact when I really think about it yesterday was just a really diluted version of Sunday where I went to work and then did everything I did on Sunday in less detail.
I did finish my book though.
And I discovered that I can't read/write and eat at the same time, apparently complete focus of my eyes is needed for both of those things to take place and as a result they have to be done separately, which is a design flaw to say the least.

On a completely unrelated note apparently Google is killing off Google Friend Connect so if you're following me please use the even more terribly named Bloglovin' link to your right :)

Tomorrow might be better!

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