Saturday 29 June 2013


This is actually the only photo I took yesterday - sorry Josh.

If pathetic fallacy was a thing; then this morning would have been it. Grey and cold and raining.  Absolutely miserable.  But I’m not going to talk about how I feel about leaving, because I promised Lizzy this wouldn’t be a sad post. Also because I think I might have had too little sleep and/or food to properly process any emotions right now. 

Sat in the cafĂ© at Gare du Midi, there were a group of British people next to me with a television camera. This is the best networking opportunity I’ve had in the past 10 months (and I kind of just want to know what they’re doing), but considering I just spent the tram journey letting people clamber over my bags because I literally didn’t care if they accidentally hit me in the face, now probably isn’t my best time. 

So let’s think about why it’s good that I’m leaving. Ignoring the fact that I have to leave because I no longer have a room to rent or a job, I have to leave because I should and I need to.  This year has been amazing, everyone has been amazing, and I’m incredibly sad to be leaving it behind. Nevertheless, I’m never going to do anything else if I don’t leave, I won’t have a degree for starters so unless I want to spend my life as a perpetually unpaid intern, I’ll probably want to get that. 

I’m certainly never going to write better if I don’t experience change; eventually I’d just run out of things to say. The most exciting stories I’ll have will be of my journeys to and from Brussels to home, and quite frankly, if I keep doing journeys like this, I will be lucky if I don’t lose the ability to use my arms altogether. 

Also last night was amazing, and so much fun, and I'm going to miss everyone in Brussels a lot. 
That's the closest we're getting to a sad post, I promise. 


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