Monday 17 June 2013


'Photo of the Day' is exceptionally difficult to do when you don't leave the house all day.

I have noticed that if I'm left to my own devices I'm actually really productive, this obviously depends on your definition of productive, but I'll give you a little run down of what I did.
  • Read 60% of David Mitchell's autobiography. It's great and so easy to read that I could have happily finished it last night had I not needed to sleep.
  • Was so impressed by how funny and well-written the book was that I had a minor existential crisis and decided I was never going to write anything ever again because it was pointless.
  • Watched 10 videos like the one above and learnt about what might be causing the obesity epidemic, overpopulation, why people are right or left handed, what Schrödinger's Cat actually is, and what might happen at the end of the universe.
  • Had a little sleep - I'll give you that this isn't that productive, but I had a great time, and it helped my recover from my tiny crisis.
  • Another successful Skype date, this time with Jenny. I'd like to take this opportunity to passive aggressively thank Skype for working very effectively in this final month before I go home, and being completely useless for the previous nine.
  • Wrote Friday and Saturday's BEDIJ because I was I had a tiny fail over the weekend.
  • Write the title for the my Student Noodles post (hopefully sometime this week, maybe).
  • Write about 5 different titles for July's first post when I realised I was going to have to write it in advance because I'll be away and most probably without internet access on the 1st. 
I guess that's not bad for a Sunday is it? Hopefully my weeks of Sundays when I get home will be equally as productive, but probably not.

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