Monday 3 June 2013


What can I say, something about being on the Eurostar just inspires me. 
I'd been thinking for a while what I was going to do with this when I no longer lived abroad and I had nothing to document; and then yesterday I had an idea. 
Before you ask, this is not becoming a beauty blog - realistically I don't think someone who only wears £1.99 tinted moisturiser and sometimes doesn't re-do her hair for over 24 hours is at all qualified to write about beauty. 
Or really even qualified to be called an adult.

So we're going to do themes. 
I feel like I just announced a party was going to be fancy dress. 

We're going to do a theme every month so it stays fresh and interesting but also I can post regularly. I've already got a list of about 10 so we're good for the next year pretty much but any suggestions are always welcome and I'll be asking for ideas every time we change. 
Also this is going to start right now - so for June I'll be doing BEDIJ (Blog Everyday In June). I thought it would be a good way to document my last 28 (how did this happen) days in Brussels. I know I'm already behind but I went home for the weekend so we're going to recap those now and I'll start properly tomorrow. 
I'm also going to try and do a 'Photo of the Day' but my life isn't that exciting so they might just be photos of general Brussels - but I might as well try. 
This might be one of those bright ideas that completely crashes and burns - I apologise in advance.

BEDIJ a.k.a. I wish this had a better acronym 

Okay so due to the poor timing of my inspiration I didn't take any photos on Saturday so we can have a Video of the Day instead. The relevance of this is not only because in this video he basically sums up exactly how I feel about everything, but also because as part of my best friend's birthday present to me - she had the John and Hank Green sign a book for me. She's amazing and I'm very grateful that I got to see her on Saturday because we've both been all over the globe in the last 3 years and I definitely don't see her face as often as I would like. I am very lucky to have had her in my life for a whole 10 years.

Today marked my last Eurostar journey to Brussels, and so the last time I'm going to enter St Pancras rather than leave it (at least for a while). I also have a new phone because my last one was so inconsistent that it could cope with being constantly dropped but with one drop of rain the screen stopped working. So I'm back to my old LG, also known as my 'I-don't-do-anything-but-I-run-out-of-battery-in-a-day' phone, or my 'If-you-get-more-than-one-text-at-a-time-I'll-turn-myself-off-from-stress' phone, or just my 'you-can't-use-my-keyboard-but-you're-not-sure-why' phone. 
The journey was good and I've realised that there is something quite relaxing about travelling late on a Sunday because everyone is exhausted and just trying to get home.

N.B. I'm going to post these retrospectively so tomorrow will be #3

Let's hope I can do this hey?

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