Look how beautiful Brussels is...nah just kidding, that is what it looks like though.
So here's a quick run down of what I won't miss about Brussels
- The pavements. I just don't have very good brain-foot coordination so they're either dangerous because they're ridiculously uneven, or because they're so smooth that even the slightest bit of rain turns them into slippery death traps.
- The roads. I just don't want to have to do passive aggressive 'thank-you-but-it's-my-right-of-way-so-not-really' hand gestures every time I cross the road any more.
- The general lay out of the city. So I just don't understand, like I swear the roundabout there these buildings are leads to EVERYWHERE. I know it's a roundabout and that's what it's meant to do, but I feel like the city is not laid out in a logical manner and I still don't really understand where everything is; I've just memorised routes to get to the places I need to go to. Don't tell me to look at a map, just, you just don't understand.
- My laptop. This isn't actually Brussels related, but being here is the reason I can't replace my current laptop. This isn't just some 'ahh it's so slow' complaint. This is an exposed wiring/the hinges of the screen has broken on one side/my screen tilts/the plastic covering the important bits of the screen is coming off - type situation.
- Sundays/shop opening times. Brussels, the person who designed your retail policy needs firing. This is literally a city of people who work 9-5 (usually more like 8-6)...why close all your shops at 6, and why have nothing open on a Sunday, and why are your supermarkets open so sporadically, and where are your cash machines!
Okay, I'm done.
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