Sunday 16 June 2013

BEDIJ #14 & #15

Swiss? Danish? All I've really achieved here is looking like a female version of the boy in The Omen.
It was always going to happen at some point...
So now I have to apologise for this not only being very late in the day on Sunday (and as you'll see tomorrow there is literally no reason for this to have been the case) but also because I just completely skipped Saturday. 
I did in all fairness have a very busy Friday and Saturday as we spent the weekend celebrating Dan's birthday with a house party on Friday night in which we dressed as European stereotypes and tried to avoid taking any photos which could be potentially career-damaging later on. 
I am holding a Danish flag but I don't feel like the Danes really have any obvious appearance stereotypes and I was asked if I was meant to be Swiss all night so I'm going to go with that even though I hadn't actually chosen a nationality by the time I arrived.
I spent Saturday being the most tired person that had ever lived and had Thai food for lunch and Italian food for dinner in Leuven. A great day for food but even that didn't stop me being so tired that I went home when we got back to Brussels at midnight. 
I feel like in high school I used to barely sleep at the weekends and work both days and I felt reasonably okay but I appear to have aged about 30 years in the last 3 because now one night out floors me for the next 2 days. 

I'm really aware that is isn't that entertaining, and what it is in fact, is basically a very long excuse note about why I've been so bad at this over this weekend.
But we're at the half way point so I think I'm allowed to have a minor rough patch, right? 

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