Friday 28 June 2013


Final Place Lux Thursday ahhh. 
Okay, so I know I've been talking all week about how ready I am to leave and I've got so many plans to go home to. But now it's Friday and this time tomorrow I'll be nearly home and I just don't think I'm ready for that. I feel like I'm going to get home and just sit down and not know what to do with myself.
Yesterday I had my final Place Jourdan frites and my final Place Lux Thursday and I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to have done these things for the last time. And then I had to start saying goodbye to people and tonight is just going to be horrendous; I am not emotionally ready for all this shit.
So in conclusion, yesterday made me have a little break down, today will be worse. 
Tomorrow will actually be the worst because packing has not been the easy process I had expected and I am too small to carry all the things in my possession right now.

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